Saturday, April 26, 2014

Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, degenerative disease of the brain, which causes thinking and memory to become seriously impaired. It is the most common form of dementia

The disease was first identified by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906. He described the two hallmarks of the disease: 

  • Plaque: Numerous tiny dense deposits scattered throughout the brain which become toxic to brain cells at excessive levels.
  • Tangles: Twisted fibers that interfere with vital processes eventually "choking" off the living cells.

When brain cells degenerate and die, the brain markedly shrinks in some regions. 

The Effects of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease eventually affects all aspects of a person's life: how he or she thinks, feels and acts. Since individuals are affected differently, it is difficult to predict the symptoms each person will have, the order in which they will appear, or the speed of the disease's progression. 

In general the following will gradually be affected by the disease: 

Mental Abilities
A person's ability to understand, think, remember and communicate will be affected. The ability to make decisions will be reduced. Simple tasks that have been performed for years will become more difficult or be forgotten. Confusion and memory loss, initially for recent events and eventually for long-term events, will occur. The ability to find the right words and follow a conversation will be affected. 

Emotions and Moods 
A person may appear uninterested and apathetic, and may quickly lose interest in the hobbies they previously enjoyed. The ability to control mood and emotion may be lost. Some individuals are less expressive and are more withdrawn. However, it is now becoming clear that a person even in the later stages of the disease may continue to feel joy, anger, fear, love, and sadness. 

Changes will develop in the way the person reacts to his or her environment. These actions may seem out of character for the person. Some common reactions include repeating the same action or words, hiding possessions, physical outbursts and restlessness. 

Physical abilities 
The disease can affect a person’s physical co-ordination and mobility, leading to a gradual physical decline. This will affect the person's ability to independently perform day-to-day tasks such as eating, bathing and getting dressed.