Monday, April 28, 2014

Lateral Epicondylitis

Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is a common injury causing pain on the outside of the elbow.

Despite it's name, this condition is not commonly seen in tennis players but more in work related elbow injuries particularly where repetitive stress is involved. Tennis elbow symptoms can be similar to those of other elbow injuries so it is important to get a correct diagnosis early on.

Symptoms of tennis elbow typically consist of pain about 1 to 2 cm down from the bony part on the outside of the elbow called the lateral epicondyle. The patient will have weakness in the wrist and difficulty doing simple tasks such as opening a door handle or shaking hands with someone. Pain is reproduced when pressing just below the lateral epicondyle on the outside of the elbow as well as when trying to straighten or extend the hand and fingers against resistance. See tennis elbow diagnosis for more information on how tennis elbow is diagnosed.

Entrapment of the radial nerve is another injury with symptoms similar to tennis elbow. Tennis elbow symptoms can also be caused by neck injury

Tennis elbow or Lateral epicondylitis as it is sometimes technically known is inflammation of the lateral epicondyle or bony bit on the outside of the elbow where the muscles attach. However, actual inflammation of the tendon is rare and the cause of the lateral elbow pain could be degeneration of the tendon.

It occurs most commonly in the tendon of the Extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle where there is an increase in pain receptors in the area making the region extremely tender.

The most common cause of tennis elbow is overuse or repetitive strain caused by repeated extension or bending back of the wrist against resistance. Gripping heavy objects like a manual screw driver, weight training or handling bricks will also cause tennis elbow. This is seen much more often than in tennis players.

However, if tennis is thought to be the cause then the following should be considered. A poor backhand technique in tennis. If the wrist is bent when striking a back hand the huge forces are transferred through the tendons to the elbow rather than through the entire arm. A racket grip that is too small. This will make the muscles work harder increasing the forces through the tendon. Strings that are too tight. More shock and energy will be transmitted through the forearm from the ball. Playing with wet, heavy balls.

Two types of onset are commonly seen. Sudden onset of tennis elbow occurs in a single instance of exertion such as a late back hand where the extensors of the wrist become strained. This is thought to correspond to micro-tearing of the tendon. Late Onset: This normally takes place within 24-72 hours after an intensive term of unaccustomed wrist extension. Examples may be a tennis player using a new racket or even a person who's spent a weekend doing DIY..