Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Knee Ligament Injuries

There are 4 ligaments in the knee, which work in the pairs. The anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament control the forwards and backwards movement of the knee and are really important for providing stability. The medial and lateral collateral ligaments provide sideways stability for the knee.

Ligaments are usually injured either by sudden twisting movements, or when a great deal of force goes through part of the knee eg from a sporting tackle.

1) ACL Injuries

What is it: Anterior Cruciate Ligament gets overstretched and tears/ruptures
Causes: Knee bending the wrong way, pushing back too far or twisting of the knee
Immediate Symptoms: Popping sound, swelling, pain, giving way
Long Term Consequences: Lack of stability with pivoting and twisting
Treatment: Exercise rehab and/or surgery. See ACL Injuries section for more info.

2) MCL tear

What is it: Damage to some or all of the fibres of the Medial Collateral Ligament.
Causes: Force through the outside of the knee eg tackle, sudden twisting of the knee eg skiing
Symptoms: Inner knee pain, swelling, instability, difficulty bending the knee
Treatment: PRICE, exercises, knee brace. See the MCL Tear section for more info.

3) Knee Sprain

What is it: Overstretching any of the knee ligaments which tears some of the fibres. This is one of the most common knee injuries
Causes: sudden force through the knee or sudden twisting
Symptoms: knee pain, swelling, instability, difficulty bending and straightening the knee
Treatment: PRICE, exercises, knee braces. See the knee sprain section for more info.