Saturday, April 19, 2014


This treatment is an alternating current (AC) that is interrupted to produce a mechanical, non-chemical reaction. A passive form of exercise because it stimulates the muscle with the aid of a machine and current. Stimulation to the motor point of the muscle can cause a muscle contraction that can actually be seen. This current can be soothing and relaxing and is believed to help preserve muscle tone.


During the Direct Faradic method of application, the esthetician places both electrodes on the client’s skin, being certain that they never touch. The current travels through the motor nerves between the two electrodes. This stimulates muscles, improves blood circulation, improves muscle tone and increases glandular activity.


This is the most frequently used application of Faradic Current. The esthetician usually wears a wristband with a moistened electrode. The second electrode is wrapped in moist cotton and either held by the client or places beneath the client’s lower neck between the shoulders. A facial massage is then performed with particular focus on motor points. This preserves muscle tone, improves circulation and provides relaxation.